The Trade for Development Centre (Enabel) and the Fair Trade Advocacy Office, in cooperation with FASS-food project, would like to invite you to our webinar:
Local Fair Trade initiatives in Europe
27th of May 2021 from 15.00 to 16.30 CEST
The event aims to share information on Localising Fair Trade pilots in Europe and identify essential and differentiating elements between them.
- Welcome and introduction (5′)
Sergi Corbalán (FTAO) - Overview of Local Fair Trade initiatives and possible essential elements, characteristics of Local Fair Trade in Belgium and Europe (20′)
Samuel Poos (Trade for Development Center, Enabel) - Presentation pilots in Europe (10′)
- Solidale Italiano – Altro mercato (Italy)
- Syn Allois (Greece)
- Presentation Commerce équitable France (5′)
Julie Maisonhaute - Questions (25′)
- Debate: what are the essential elements that these innovations share? Where do they differ? (25′)
- Closing remarks (5′)
Sergi Corbalán and Samuel Poos
The webinar will be held in English.
Photo: ‘And the farmer, he ploughed on’ – Hindrik Sijens
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