Fair Trade Africa (FTA), a member of the International Fair Trade movement, has been representing Fair Trade certified producers (over 1 050 000) in Africa (across 33 countries) and the Middle East since its establishment in 2005. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the organization also works via other offices in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Malawi and […]
Archives: Projecten
Guichet d’Economie Locale (GEL) Sud Bénin est un dispositif d’accompagnement pour des entrepreneurs béninois en milieux rural et péri-urbain. Cette initiative est née en 2010 grâce à un programme de Louvain coopération, et s’est ensuite autonomisé en 2013 pour prendre la forme d’une ASBL. Depuis ce moment-là, GEL Sud Bénin a formé de nouveaux partenariats, […]
The Consortium for Enhancing University Responsiveness to Agribusiness Development (CURAD Incubator) is a public-private partnership initiative promoted by Makerere University, the National Union of Coffee Agribusinesses and Farm Enterprises (NUCAFE), and the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). The consortium aims to create opportunities for talented, innovative and entrepreneurial young people to commercialise innovations and technologies generated by the agricultural research […]
Made up of 10,044 smallholder expert coffee farmers, Gumutindo was created in 2000 by some of the basic cooperatives (primary societies), which emerged from the ruins of the older Ugandan cooperative system. Since the organisation is located on the slopes of Mount Elgon where the subtropical climate and the fertile volcanic soil is ideal for coffee production, it is […]
Founded in 1992, the National Association of Women Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU) is a non-governmental umbrella organisation for more than 1,000 local women’s associations in Uganda. Their objective is to promote the growth of a strong women’s movement that advocates for the rights of women and to enhance their social-cultural, economic and political status. Originally established to coordinate and represent […]
Linking Ugandan farmers to the organic and fair trade markets Everyone who has visited Uganda agrees that its fruit and vegetables are delicious and of superior quality. However, the farmers who grow them barely make enough money to provide for their families. For this reason, the Trade for Development Centre partnered with NOGAMU, the National Organic Agricultural […]
On the slopes of Mount Ndali, close to Rwanda and Congo, a British major developed Ndali Estate into a major tea plantation. In the 1970s, the estate was confiscated by Idi Amin Dada’s militia but was returned twenty years later to a grandniece who soon associated with the local farmers. 1,200 farmers joined forces in the Mubuku Vanilla Farmers Association (recently […]
Wilde cacao uit Bolivia In het Boliviaanse deel van het Amazonebekken, meer bepaald in de laaglanden van Centraal-Bolivia ten noorden van Cochabamba, wonen de Yuracaré, een inheemse bevolkingsgroep van jagers en plukkers. Een belangrijke economische activiteit van deze kleine gemeenschappen is de pluk van wilde cacao of boscacao, onder chocolademakers gekend als een kwaliteitsproduct. De […]
L’or multicolore du Mali Le Mali est un pays haut en couleurs ! Parmi ses richesses : l’or jaune, l’or blanc (coton) et l’or multicolore (la mangue). Avec une production de 58 000 tonnes de mangues produites au Mali en 2014, dont seulement 10% est exporté, la culture de mangues maliennes progresse depuis 2008 (données de la […]
SHORT SUPPLY CHAINS FOR ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN SOUTH AFRICA Since Nelson Mandela’s election in 1994 successive South African governments have heavily invested in fostering a fairer representation of the black majority in the country’s economy to really make an end to apartheid. In general this has been a success. Relatively soon a black middle class […]