Fairtrade Africa

Fair Trade Africa (FTA), a member of the International Fair Trade movement, has been representing Fair Trade certified producers (over 1 050 000) in Africa (across 33 countries) and the Middle East since its establishment in 2005. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the organization also works via other offices in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Malawi and […]

NOGAMU: the National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda

Linking Ugandan farmers to the organic and fair trade markets Everyone who has visited Uganda agrees that its fruit and vegetables are delicious and of superior quality. However, the farmers who grow them barely make enough money to provide for their families. For this reason, the Trade for Development Centre partnered with NOGAMU, the National Organic Agricultural […]

Rwenzori Farmers’ Cooperative Union (RFCU)

On the slopes of Mount Ndali, close to Rwanda and Congo, a British major developed Ndali Estate into a major tea plantation. In the 1970s, the estate was confiscated by Idi Amin Dada’s militia but was returned twenty years later to a grandniece who soon associated with the local farmers. 1,200 farmers joined forces in the Mubuku Vanilla Farmers Association (recently […]


L’Association pour le Maintien de l’Agriculture Paysanne AMAP Bénin, « Les Nouveaux Paysans Bio », est une association de producteurs de fruits et légumes qui fournit un soutien dans la production et la distribution des produits fermiers BIO en circuit court auprès de ses plus de 195 producteurs membres. AMAP Bénin met directement en relation […]


Physalis or Inca berries from Peru    The bright orange berries with their papery sepals known as physalis or Inca berry not only look great, they are also full of antioxidants and vitamins. The fruit is consumed mostly locally, but it has also attracted interest in the North. In Peru’s highlands a variety is cultivated with an exceptional sour-sweet […]

Asociación de Recolectores de Cacao Silvestre Yuracare (ARCASY)

Le cacao sauvage de Bolivie Dans la partie bolivienne du bassin amazonien, et en particulier les basses terres au nord de Cochabamba, au centre du pays, vivent les Yuracaré, un peuple indigène de chasseurs et de cueilleurs. Mais, ces dernières décennies, l’habitat de cette communauté est gravement menacé par la déforestation. Avec l’aide de la […]

Siyavuna Development Centre

SHORT SUPPLY CHAINS FOR ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN SOUTH AFRICA Since Nelson Mandela’s election in 1994 successive South African governments have heavily invested in fostering a fairer representation of the black majority in the country’s economy to really make an end to apartheid. In general this has been a success. Relatively soon a black middle class […]


Vietnam Ecological Linkage Company Limited (Ecolink Co. Ltd.) has been a pioneer of organic agriculture and fair trade in Vietnam since 2004. With support from its parent company (Hiep Thanh Co. Ltd.) and a partner development organisation (SADAS), Ecolink has developed several organic fair trade products (which have been certified for export to the EU/America), as well as other organic vegetables. Ecolink has reliable partners in the EU for the import of organic fair trade tea and ginger from Vietnam, and a growing […]


CENFROCAFE was created on 26 October 1999 in northern Peru. It provides many services to its members (agricultural technical assistance, organisational development, access to health services, etc.) with the objective of increasing production, improving the quality of coffee and of contributing to the well-being of its members and the development of their communities. In 2007, it obtained the Fairtrade […]


CAPEMA began its activities in 2007 under the name Asociación Central Agropecuaria Perla del Mayo. It was in 2012 that CAPEMA really became a cooperative formed by small coffee producers who had already received organic and fair trade certification in 2009. The main activity of the cooperative is the production and commercialisation of coffee.  CAPEMA has 255 partners in the provinces of Moyobamba and Rioja in […]

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