Made up of 10,044 smallholder expert coffee farmers, Gumutindo was created in 2000 by some of the basic cooperatives (primary societies), which emerged from the ruins of the older Ugandan cooperative system. Since the organisation is located on the slopes of Mount Elgon where the subtropical climate and the fertile volcanic soil is ideal for coffee production, it is […]
Type Organisatie: Producer organisation
On the slopes of Mount Ndali, close to Rwanda and Congo, a British major developed Ndali Estate into a major tea plantation. In the 1970s, the estate was confiscated by Idi Amin Dada’s militia but was returned twenty years later to a grandniece who soon associated with the local farmers. 1,200 farmers joined forces in the Mubuku Vanilla Farmers Association (recently […]
Mainly made up of small producers, Kibinge was founded in 1995 by coffee farmers in the Masaka region (south of Uganda). They seek to provide technical services in agricultural production, gender integration, poverty eradication, value addition and market access to complement the Uganda governmental programmes. By providing services directly linked to coffee production and sales to its members (processing, certification, transport, marketing, etc.), Kibinge has remained true […]
L’Association pour le Maintien de l’Agriculture Paysanne AMAP Bénin, « Les Nouveaux Paysans Bio », est une association de producteurs de fruits et légumes qui fournit un soutien dans la production et la distribution des produits fermiers BIO en circuit court auprès de ses plus de 195 producteurs membres. AMAP Bénin met directement en relation […]
Wild cocoa from Bolivia Fairwild The Yuracaré – an indigenous population of hunters and gatherers – live in the Bolivian part of the Amazon Basin, in the central Bolivian lowlands north of Cochabamba. Collecting wild or forest cocoa – a chocolate lover’s quality product – is an important activity for this small community. Over the […]
L’or multicolore du Mali Le Mali est un pays haut en couleurs ! Parmi ses richesses : l’or jaune, l’or blanc (coton) et l’or multicolore (la mangue). Avec une production de 58 000 tonnes de mangues produites au Mali en 2014, dont seulement 10% est exporté, la culture de mangues maliennes progresse depuis 2008 (données de la […]
Muungano, coopérative de producteurs de café, est implantée au sud de Goma, en direction de Bukavu. C’est la Région des Grands Lacs, et surtout celle du lac Kivu. Au moment de sa création en 2009, la coopérative voulait apporter deux grandes réponses à des problèmes vécus par les agriculteurs. D’abord, il fallait empêcher les producteurs de prendre […]
COPRONOS (COopérative des PROducteurs de Noix et Oléagineux de Samogohiri) est née suite à la dislocation d’une coopérative certifiée Fairtrade couvrant plusieurs villages du Sud du Burkina et dont certains producteurs de Samogihiri, (village situé à 105 km au sud de Bobo-Dioulasso), étaient membres. Créée en 2014, la coopérative compte aujourd’hui 585 membres, dont 424 hommes et 161 femmes. […]
Formerly known as Nsangi Coffee Farmers Association (NCFA), CECOFA was founded in 2005 by a small group of entrepreneurial farmers and is now made up of 3,200 employees (of which 750 are women) within the districts of central Uganda. CECOFA AND THE NEXT GENERATION However, although the number of employees rose, ageing of the farming population is an […]
CENFROCAFE was created on 26 October 1999 in northern Peru. It provides many services to its members (agricultural technical assistance, organisational development, access to health services, etc.) with the objective of increasing production, improving the quality of coffee and of contributing to the well-being of its members and the development of their communities. In 2007, it obtained the Fairtrade […]