TDC is een programma van Enabel, het Belgisch Ontwikkelingsagentschap.


Physalis or Inca berries from Peru    The bright orange berries with their papery sepals known as physalis or Inca berry not only look great, they are also full of antioxidants and vitamins. The fruit is consumed mostly locally, but it has also attracted interest in the North. In Peru’s highlands a variety is cultivated with an exceptional sour-sweet […]


CENFROCAFE was created on 26 October 1999 in northern Peru. It provides many services to its members (agricultural technical assistance, organisational development, access to health services, etc.) with the objective of increasing production, improving the quality of coffee and of contributing to the well-being of its members and the development of their communities. In 2007, it obtained the Fairtrade […]


CAPEMA began its activities in 2007 under the name Asociación Central Agropecuaria Perla del Mayo. It was in 2012 that CAPEMA really became a cooperative formed by small coffee producers who had already received organic and fair trade certification in 2009. The main activity of the cooperative is the production and commercialisation of coffee.  CAPEMA has 255 partners in the provinces of Moyobamba and Rioja in […]


APROCAM is a non-profit organisation that brings together small coffee and cocoa producers from the districts of La Peca, Copallín and Imaza in the province of Bagua in Peru. Created in 2003, the organisation currently owns 235 hectares of coffee plantations and 495 hectares of cocoa plantations. APROCAM has been Fairtrade certified since 2010 and received organic certification from IMO Control in 2012.  In […]


Founded in 2010 in Peru, COOPAIN CABANA is an agro-industrial cooperative that produces organic quinoa and cañihua. Currently composed of more than 600 families, it is a cooperative that practises family farming. These families grow, process and market organic products adapted to national and international markets. The activity of this cooperative allows a better socio-economic situation for the […]

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